So you are trying to decide which plastic works best for you - credit card or check card? While each card has their own unique advantages, here are some basic reasons why you should be using an ATM/Check Card
1. Safer than using cash or checks. Anyone can spend stolen cash or forge checks. With a photo ATM/Check Card its nearly impossible to use by a thief
2. Because the amount you purchase is taken directly out of your account, there is no interest to pay and no annual fees
3. You're not using money that you don't have. Because its taken from your account, you don't accumulate debt to be repaid later
4. Check Cards are accepted world wide - personal checks are not. Have you noticed stores that are starting to use the "no personal checks accepted" policy?
5. They also offer you access to cash; many can be used at ATM's to withdraw cash from your account
6. Accurate Record Keeping – With monthly statements, it’s easier to keep track of where your money goes
7. Convenient - Simplifies the payment process; eliminates the need to fill out a check, present ID, give out personal information and wait while that information is verified
Debit Cards are now the wave of the future. They are easy, quick, and can help balance a budget. When you know how much you have to spend, it is very easy to then log into your checking account to verify the funds you have, and what has been taken out. Visit with a customer service rep at any Reliabank location to find out more information on our SHAZAM ATM/CHECK CARDS
Did you know? There is expected to be an overwhelming, 5 BILLION debit cards in usage by the year 2012!